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Non-Profits We Support

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We support our Non-Profits by making contributions to the GoRevival Donor Advised Fund, which is part of the National Philanthropic Trust. Each year our family reviews what God has provided in our for-profit projects and we prayerfully discern grants and projects for the next year that we will support.

Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver


- 2 Corinthians 9:7 


Why We Give

In everything I showed you that by working hard in this manner you must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He Himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.'

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Acts 20:35

Our Focus

Support Your
Local Church

Support the process of rebuilding His church.

Acts of Service
by Kids

We believe and support in teaching kids the importance of serving others and each year we look for local projects to support through churches, schools, and other non-profit organizations.

Other Areas of Focus

​​​​​​​​​​Food Insecurity


Neglected Animals


International support to those in need


Christian Content Creation


Christian Content Translation

Food Insecurity


Support the process of rebuilding His church.


Their focus is local food assistance for families in our community

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An emergency food relief organization.

Change an Animal's Life

We have a heart for animals and encourage you to support your local animal shelter. My wife was a vet tech for many years and knows first hand the need for good pet care

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The ASPCA’s mission is “to provide effective means for the prevention of cruelty to animals throughout the United States.”


Helps owners keep their pets when unexpected medical or surgical expenses arise by offering funds to help them pay.

National Non-Profits We Support


We’re on a mission to partner with local communities to build a more just world where everyone can expect to be safe and protected.

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We are a child-advocacy ministry pairing compassionate people with children living in extreme poverty to release the children from spiritual, economic, social, and physical poverty.


At World Relief our mission is to empower the local church to serve the most vulnerable.


A fellowship of evangelical churches in the Reformed tradition deeply committed to renewing our faith in the gospel of Christ and to reforming our ministry practices to conform fully to the Scriptures.


Our online system makes it easy for you to preview sessions and invite your community to join you. It requires very little training and can be easily run by volunteers. 

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24-7 Prayer is an international, interdenominational prayer movement, with a vision to revive the church and rewire the culture through non-stop night and day prayer.

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How Can You Get Involved?


1. Support your local church if you are not already.


2. Support any of these organizations directly via the links above.


3. Donate to The GoRevial DAF Fund:





*100% of what is received is given to one of our partners.


4. Make a purchase from (Coming Soon)... all proceeds go to the GoRevival Donor Advised fund to be distributed monthly to charities we support. 

Go Build, Go Solve, Go Invite, Go Serve

Go Make Room for Him




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